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Saturday, August 22, 2020
Slavery in the United States Essay Example For Students
Subjugation in the United States Essay The turn of events and establishment of subjugation in the United States started when the U.S didn’t even exist. At the point when British provinces where starting to spring up all over North East America there was an entirely recognizable issue; a lot of land and insufficient individuals to work it. So as to work the land however much as could be expected numerous affluent British pioneer would pay to have obligated hirelings gone to the new world and consequently the contracted hirelings would work for them for a long time for nothing. As of now the worker would turn out to be free, anyway numerous hirelings passed on or fled in this way less and less Europeans needed to go to the New World. An extremely fast and exceptionally wrecking answer for this was slave work from Africa. The establishment of bondage was provided with slaves as individuals who where condemned to it, abducted, and a larger part where caught in war and put into subjugation. Of the considerable number of slaves that where transported into the New World 33% would bite the dust in transit, and 90% of those would wind up in nations like Brazil, Cuba, Barbados and Jamaica. In North America the main recorded African American slaves showed up in 1640 in Jamestown, around 20, and where sold as obligated hirelings, yet an occasion in the mid 1640’s would change that when three contracted workers fled their lord and where caught. The two whites had seven years added to their administration yet the African was subjugated forever. Over the long haul, the possibility of Ethnocentrism starts to snowball until Africans are deprived of every single human right and become bits of property. By 1700 most slaves are men, anyway a few ladies start to be brought over and self-continuing gracefully of slaves starts to develop. Right now the south starts to build up a Plantation Economy developing staple items, for example, tobacco, which expands slave work. Servitude progresses forward, for just about 100 years, until the Constitution is drawn up in (date). The Constitution, in any case, decreases majority rules system and will accomplish more damage for slaves than great. In the years to come the Constitution experiences some significant changes, one of these is the 3/5 trade off which considers all slaves 3/5 of an individual with respect to portrayal of explicit states. In January of 1808 Congress bans the importation of Slavery, which is shockingly passable for the South. Southern estate proprietors realize that slaves are presently self-continuing, notwithstanding, whites surpass slaves in populace in just a few pieces of the South. All of America realizes that subjection will turn into a reoccurring issue for the Nation yet for the present the 36 degrees, 30 minutes law expresses that the North is liberated from Slavery yet the South can proceed with utilization of slaves. During this time Nationalism starts to die and Sectionalis m starts to set in. In the 1840’s the South’s populace comprised of a lion's share of poor whites and obviously slaves. In this Paternalistic culture an exceptionally limited quantity of the populace, perhaps 5%, where rich estate proprietors. The individuals who where in power regarded everybody beneath them as kids, there was a mass daydream that the slave life was a decent life for African Americans to live. In the Southern ranch economy slaves where the foundation of each kind of development. In the Deep South there is a gigantic interest for slaves since cotton development skyrockets, during this time day to day environments for the slaves compounds and the slaves start to oppose effectively and inactively. Dynamic opposition is by all accounts the best procedure however the hazard and discipline is exceptionally high. The more typical sort of obstruction is inactive which was covered up and undetected. In inactive opposition slaves would inadvertently break instruments, over salt foo d in the kitchen, and would utilize singing and moving to pass on shrouded messages to different slaves. This didn't take care of the issue however it just strengthened the feeling that slaves where inept and awkward. There are a few episodes of dynamic obstruction, yet the most startling to Southern whites was the revolt of Nat Turner where men, ladies, and youngsters where executed on a murdering binge. The South turns out to be increasingly more a shut society since whites become progressively distrustful over the dread of slave revolts. Whites attempt to justify the Institution of Slavery from multiple points of view. There was the possibility of Scientific Slavery, which said that slaves where closer to chimps by estimating the state of their heads to demonstrate that they weren’t entirely proficient. Southerners likewise said that being one of their slaves was better than being a wageslave to Northern Factories on the grounds that Southern slave proprietors would deal w ith their slaves into mature age and infection. Another justification was that all slaves where to be treated as youngsters since they couldn't administer themselves appropriately. These equivalent white southerners responded rapidly to dangers made against subjection, for example, seizing and devastating mail-advancing abolitionism. Southern crowds would thrash, and publicly shame any dubious Northerners. The Gag Rule likewise became an integral factor, which implied that somewhere in the range of 1834 and 1836 no petitions managing bondage would be dismissed by (?). More grounded outlaw slave laws where likewise passed. .u762ef60c67d717bf199f085ec4613b3f , .u762ef60c67d717bf199f085ec4613b3f .postImageUrl , .u762ef60c67d717bf199f085ec4613b3f .focused content zone { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u762ef60c67d717bf199f085ec4613b3f , .u762ef60c67d717bf199f085ec4613b3f:hover , .u762ef60c67d717bf199f085ec4613b3f:visited , .u762ef60c67d717bf199f085ec4613b3f:active { border:0!important; } .u762ef60c67d717bf199f085ec4613b3f .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u762ef60c67d717bf199f085ec4613b3f { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; murkiness: 1; change: obscurity 250ms; webkit-change: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u762ef60c67d717bf199f085ec4613b3f:active , .u762ef60c67d717bf199f085ec4613b3f:hover { darkness: 1; progress: haziness 250ms; webkit-progress: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u762ef60c67d717bf199f085ec4613b3f .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relative; } .u762ef60c67d717bf199f085ec4613b3f .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content design: underline; } .u762ef60c67d717bf199f085ec4613b3f .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u762ef60c67d717bf199f085ec4613b3f .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-fringe sweep: 3px; content adjust: focus; content improvement: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .u762ef60c67d717bf199f085ec4613b3f:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u762ef60c67d717bf1 99f085ec4613b3f .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u762ef60c67d717bf199f085ec4613b3f-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u762ef60c67d717bf199f085ec4613b3f:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Genetics EssayBibliography:
Friday, August 21, 2020
Misuse of Power How can social worker use their power responsibility Free Essays
string(128) office as accentuated my May (1976) ‘power with’ that elective methods for treating S should considered (Akister, 1996). Presentation This paper plans to exhibit a comprehension of expert position and the dynamic advancement and how the social work calling uses its power.The exposition will similarly take a gander at the importance of intensity and obligation in social work and will proceed to talk about hypotheses of intensity and of its abuse/misuse which will thus show how and to whom force is shared. It will show how this dispersion of intensity applies to social work and the administration clients. We will compose a custom article test on Abuse of Power: How can social specialist utilize their capacity obligation? or then again any comparable theme just for you Request Now Force and feebleness go connected at the hip as to have one the other must exist. There will consistently be imbalances both on close to home and auxiliary levels since the general public isn't equivalent. So as to comprehend proficient force and duty in social work, experts need to comprehend the hypothetical clarification of how power, benefit, renown and frailty are appropriated inside the general public, for example, class, destitution and social divisions (Thompson, 2007). My situation is a legal agency.Children and Young Peoples Services (CYPS) and we are engaged with bits of work that have to do with kids and families. The office is one of the 14 region groups in Cambridgeshire covering the Bottisham, Burwell and Soham territories. The focal point of our work is to work with schools and wellbeing to recognize issues at a beginning time and work to determine them as quickly as time permits utilizing a scope of approaches. The group works with Bottisham and Soham Village Colleges and the 16 primaries that feed into them. The group is comprised of Children’s Center staff, Youth Service, Connections, Education Welfare Officer, Extended schools co-ordinator, Parent Support Advisor and in school optional help/Officer. The point of the group is to guarantee that all youngsters matured 0 †19 years can arrive at their possibilities. The cooperation intimately with other district chamber staff, additionally the intentional and autonomous segment wh o offer types of assistance for youngsters and youngsters, for example, Social Workers, Education/Teachers, Psychologist, Special need Officers, Police, Youth Offending Service, Health/School Nurse and Health Visitor and Family Support administrations. The way that my organization works under the legal segment expects it to work under severe enactment and approach rules. One of the most significant structures of the organization is the code of morals which all experts ought to comply with. It is our obligation to approach administration clients with deference and nobility and furthermore as people with rights as specified in the Human Right Act 1998 (DoH, 1998). It is similarly our obligation to be hostile to harsh in our training and just as to maintain the privileges of administration clients. At my office, there is a severe regard of the Data Protection Act 1998 with respect to the classification of data hung on youngsters and their families (DoH, 1998). This data must be gotten to by staff that approaches OneVision where all data are put away and this must be gotten to by having a secret phrase. Akister (1996) characterizes power as the capacity to achieve change which can take numerous structures and be estimated from multiple points of view. She included that force can be seen as a capacity to decipher inside the given rules and duty, picking among giving and not given, obligations and approach and to have data and information. As a social laborer it is imperative to comprehend various types of intensity, who has it, who doesn’t, and how the individuals who doesn’t can have it. As indicated by Thompson, (2002) the social work calling has a great deal of intensity accordingly making scholastics accepted that the calling is molded by some current disparities coming about to a constrained limit with respect to the administration clients to settle on their own choice which is rather than the individuals who have the ability to settle on choices about their own lives. Northouse (2010) contends that the individuals who really have power have the capacity of influen cing different people’s convictions; mentalities and furthermore their strategy and furthermore the capacity or probability to impact. Likewise, duty can be characterized as the demonstration of experts being mindful, responsible, or liable; to themselves, their partners and the administration clients to uncover separation and mistreatment (Akister, 1996). Hypotheses of intensity and of its abuse/misuse Akister (1996) proposes that there are numerous speculations of intensity a social specialist should know about and have the option to concern her training, for example, French and Raven (1959), Max Webber (1974) and Rollo May (1976). I will utilize May (1976) hypothesis of capacity to examine my work with S and furthermore be making references to French and Raven (1974) hypothesis of intensity all the while. I thought about May (1976) power elements while working with S which Akister (1996) ordered in four distinct ways in particular; power against, control over, power for and power with. May (1976) considered Power against to be severe and harming to support clients which along these lines takes a type of a discipline. Smith (2008) called attention to that this hypothesis is like French and Raven’s coercive force which is consistently in a situation to rebuff. During my work with S I understood that my office utilized force against by declining S to go to the young gathering exercises expressing that they need to limit hazard to himself as well as other people. I could provoke this idea by recommending to my director that I do welcome the worry of hazard and wellbeing in any case, I figure S ought to be allowed the chance to settle on his own choices, that is, on the off chance that he needs to go to the gathering exercises or not. I further said that his choice to go to the gathering exercises ought to be his comprehension of why he ought to join in and not being ‘forced’ or ‘turned down’. I could challenge this idea helpfully all things considered against the social hard working attitudes and qualities to work in unfair and harsh way. The Human Right 1998 specifies that administration user’s right ought to be regarded and experts ought to abstain from being prejudicial and harsh (Brayne and Carr, 2008). I proposed to my office as accentuated my May (1976) ‘power with’ that elective methods for treating S should considered (Akister, 1996). You read Abuse of Power: How can social laborer utilize their capacity obligation? in class Paper models May (1976) ‘power over’ was additionally considered as this force can be utilized to control people (Akister, 1996). ‘Power over can likewise be harsh as an expert, I had the ability to talk about S’ conduct with my office just as the result which was his prohibition from bunch exercises. This force is like French and Raven (1959) coercive force that puts an expert in a situation to rebuff which is likewise like their ‘Reward Power’ enabling to reward or evacuate terrible results (Akister, 1996). During my work with S, I understood that I needed to take a gander at various choices that could be advantageous to him, for example, proposing a referral to experience CBT meetings to. I made it under stood to him this was only a proposition and that he has the ability to acknowledge or dismiss it, to which he acknowledged. This training indicated that I had sympathy for S and was there to ensure that he is bolstered and approached with deference and pride in tending to his conduct as opposed to simply rebuffing him. May (1976) allude ‘power for’ as when social specialists undermine administration clients by getting things done for them. This was not apparent in my training as I engaged S to address the therapist with respect to his arrangement for CBT meetings. Despite the fact that S was of blended parentage, he could communicate in English well indeed so there was no compelling reason to orchestrate a translator. I ensured that my training was hostile to biased and against abusive. I likewise ensured that I worked in organization with him by not assuming control over the entirety of the duties. May (1976) ‘Power With’ is alluded as force which is shared through organization administration clients. This force was shown while working with S’ mother when she had communicated her desire to move away from their current house. She had advised me to help her by filling the application for another house expressing that their current house was awkward and perilous for h er and the kids. S’s mother revealed to me that she had recently made a few applications to the lodging affiliation however nothing has been finished. I imagined that it was my duty to help her since I am responsible for my work and it is a piece of my expert personality to be fitness, capable and to regard the codes of morals and qualities (Brayne and Carr, 2008). I thought there was an abuse of here as I began filling the structures for her. In any case, I stop and let her proceed and could bolster her by disclosing to certain bits she didn't comprehend. In the event that I had not quit filling the structures, it could have brought about force not being shared and furthermore not urging her to get things done for herself or assuming responsibility for her life and this would have been impairing and abusive practice (Akister, 1996). Force ought to be shared by including administration clients however much as could be expected. Force as contended by Burke and Harrison (2002) is a key subject of separation insofar as long as segregation is viewed because of intensity awkwardness. It is subsequently significant for social specialists to perceive that persecution connected with separation can either be deliberate or unexpected maltreatment of intensity with goal to act against administration clients. For instance, I could without much of a stretch presumed that the instance of S and his family is one of a
Thursday, June 4, 2020
Harry Potter and the End of Perfect Tales Building up to Goblet of Fire - Literature Essay Samples
The Harry Potter series and the world created by the stories is defined as being magical; in the literal sense of there being magical beings such as witches and wizards, but also in that all the stories show our main characters reveling in the beauty of wizardry, defeating the evil that they face and getting a generally happy ending. This fourth book, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is truly a turning point in the series because it brings an end to that pattern. The views of the main characters mature along with the themes presented in the series. This is one of the first times that they are forced to look past the beauty in wizardry and see the wizarding world as it actually isflawed and vulnerable just as the muggle world. One of the greatest traditions at Hogwarts are the feasts that take place; it’s one of Harry and Ron’s favorite parts. During Harry’s first year at school, when Harry enters the great hall for the first time and the feast takes place, he is absolutely swept away by the magic of it:Harry had never even imagined such a strange and splendid place†¦ Harry’s mouth fell open. The dishes in front of him were now piled with food. He had never seen so many things we liked to eat on one table: roast beef, roast chicken, pork chops and lamb chops, sausages, bacon and steak, boiled potatoes, roast potatoes, fries, Yorkshire pudding, peas, carrots, gravy, ketchup, and for some strange reason, peppermint humbugs†¦ Harry piled his plate with a bit of everything except peppermints and began to eat. It was all delicious. (SS 116-123) Through all of this Harry is in such awe of the grandeur of the great hall and the feast, that he never once stops to wonder about where all the food came from. From here on, there are scenes such as this where Harry and the other characters are simply enchanted by how magical and wonderful the feasts are and never do they dwell on thoughts of what makes these feasts possible. That is until Goblet of Fire where it’s revealed that house elves man the kitchen: There are house elves here? she said, staring, horror-struck, at Nearly Headless Nick. Here at Hogwarts? Certainly, said Nearly Headless Nick, looking surprised at her reaction. the largest number in any dwelling in Britain, I believe. Over a hundred. Ive never seen one! said Hermione. Well, they hardly ever leave the kitchen by day, do they? said Nearly Headless Nick. †¦Slave labor, said Hermione, breathing hard through her nose. Thats what made this dinner. Slave labor. (GOF 118-119) Up until this point in the series, in the eyes of the main characters, the eyes of children who look at the world through a fairytale-like view, the food simply magically appeared in front of t hem, for them and that was that. It’s at this point in the series, where they have to look past the beauty of the feast, face that, that isn’t the case, and acknowledge that house elf labor is what provides the food for them. More than that, it’s the first time where they have to take a stance and form an opinion on an issue of this complexity; house elves were introduced in Chamber of Secrets, but this is the book where the reader learns the full complexity of their circumstances which is an example of how the themes have matured. The elves have masters, they don’t get paid for their labor, they receive punishments and yet it’s not simple because many of the elves want their lives to be like this. Dobby was the only house elf in Chamber of Secrets, and is depicted as terrified of his masters, constantly being punished and longing to be free. Goblet of Fire challenges that, with the depiction of house elves that love what they do and have respect f or their masters. For the first time, characters such as the beloved Hermione couldn’t view the feast as simply a magical celebration because now it was more than that. As mentioned in the block quote above, Hermione developed the view that to participate in the feast was to condone elf slave labor. In Prisoner of Azkaban, the characters mature through becoming more active politically in that they choose to assist Hagrid in developing a defense for Buckbeak’s case (219). Here in Goblet of Fire, the characters mature in that they become politically active by themselvesspecifically Hermione via taking a stance on the issue of house elf labor. She does her research on house elf labor, publicly takes a stance on the issue and takes it a step further when she creates S.P.E.W. or The Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare (145-146). When Hermione chose to be involved in the Hippogriff trial, it was primarily because of Hagrid. Now she is choosing to get involved in Goblet of Fire because of her own stance and beliefs, which shows increased maturity in Hermione and in this particular theme in the series. Especially given that she isn’t r eceiving support for SPEW from her friends or peers. Goblet of Fire is also where the series takes the themes of death and loss to a whole new level of maturity. It is made clear that wizards generally view themselves as above muggles; even in the very first novel, Hagrid uses the word muggle as if it is a insult when he tells Harry, â€Å"An’ it’s your bad luck you grew up in a family o’ the biggest Muggles I ever laid eyes on,†(SS 53). However different than muggles wizards may seem, Goblet of Fire puts in perspective for both readers and characters alike, that wizards are just as vulnerable to death and loss as muggles are. While the death of Cedric Diggory is not the first death in the series, it is the first death that Harry witnesses first-hand and witnesses the direct aftermath of Up until this point, death was more of an abstract concept in the series; it happened to characters whom the reader never really met and whose lives were before the story being told in the book. Up until Goblet of Fire, every good character ends up being okay in the end; Hermione survives the troll, Ginny survives the chamber, and Sirius escapes the dementors kiss. This is the first book in the series where the good guy did not get a good end.While the first actual death during the series is that of Quirrell, Harry passed out before Quirrell actually died in Sorcerer’s Stone( 295), so the reader and Harry are informed of Quirrell’s death after it has happened. Meanwhile, Cedric’s death is witnessed by Harry and described to the reader: Cedric was lying spread-eagled on the ground beside him. He was dead. For a second that contained an eternity, Harry stared into Cedrics face, at his open gray eyes, blank and expressionless as the windows of a deserted house, at h is half-opened mouth, which looked slightly surprised. And then, before Harrys mind had accepted what he was seeing, before he could feel anything but numb disbelief, he felt himself being pulled to his feet. (GOF 412) Unlike with Quirrell, Harry and the reader witness the death of Cedric Diggory right in front of them. Goblet of Fire is such a turning point in the series because everything gets a lot darker. It’s no longer the case where Hogwarts is magically perfect and good always prevails over evilGoblet of Fire is the end of perfect tales. It establishes the wizarding world and subsequently Hogwarts as more complex than the trio previously believed through the introduction of issues such as house elf labor and political activism via Hermione. This, along with the tragedy of Cedric Diggory shows growth and a higher of maturity present in the themes established earlier in the series. References Rowling, J.K.. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. New York: Scholastic, 1998. Print. Rowling, J.K.. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. New York: Scholastic, 2000. Print. Rowling, J.K.. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. New York: Scholastic, 1999. Print. Rowling, J.K.. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. New York: Scholastic, 1997. Print.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Semai Culture - 939 Words
The Semai Culture Cynthia Sankfield ANT 101 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Alison Lee 2/7/11 The Semai are a semi sedentary people living in the center of the Malay Peninsula in Southeast Asia. This group is mostly popular for their non-violence. The Semai are horticulturalists who have a gift economy. II. Body paragraph #1 – Economic organization The Semai subsist on the cultivation of manioc and rice, plus fishing, hunting, and trade in so called minor forest products, such as rattan. B. The more traditional Semai live in small, isolated camps on mountain slopes at high altitudes and grow mainly mountain rice, millet, and maize. 1. Semai environments are†¦show more content†¦There are no separate ideals for women versus men, and no task that are strictly for women or men. A newly married couple often lives for weeks in the wife’s settlement since majority of the time spouses are from different settlements. The couple takes turns living within each other’s settlement until they finally settle down in one or the other. As long as the couple remains sleeping and eating together they are considered married. But if the couple no longer sleeps or eat together they are considered separated. For the Semai, the ideal adult man has a good relationship with his wife, lover his children more than anything, has a n ormal sexual appetite, a good appetite, and a healthy cool body. He keeps his feelings and thoughts to himself. He does not cause confusion for others and does not try to make someone including his own child do something contrary to that person’s will. He does not harm strangers even if he mistrusts them. If he is being attacked he will open his arms hoping to make the attacker change their mind or the Semai man will flee. C. The men and women work equally. V. Conclusion A. In my opinion if some practices of the Semai culture were taken in to practice by the American culture, life as an American may be a lot easier. References Dentan, R. (1968). The Semai: A Nonviolent People of Malaysia. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston. Gerco, K. (2002). Cultural contact andShow MoreRelatedTechniques of Conflict Resolution Observed in the Semai and Paliyan Societies1972 Words  | 8 Pagesways in which conflict is handled in two distinct societies- Semai and Paliyan. In order for this to be achieved, background information like the locations of and gender relations in the two societies will be touched. My focus will be based on the avoidance and resolution of conflict in both societies. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Devaluation in Malawi free essay sample
Introduction Devaluation occurs when the price of one currency is officially decreased against other currencies. Devaluation takes place in a fixed exchange system based on government policy decisions (Tembo 2012). Recently, the government of Malawi through the Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM) has devalued the Malawi Kwacha by 49% and untied the currency from the dollar. The Reserve Bank of Malawi devalued the Malawi Kwacha exchange rate from K168 to K250 per United States dollar. This was done to meet the demand of the International Monetary Fund which has been refused for some time. . 0 Devaluation trend in Malawi In 1967, Malawi experienced the first devaluation of 14% which was implemented on the British pound since the currencies for the two economies were at par. Between 1973 and 1975, the RBM started pursuing an active exchange rate policy which involved devaluation of the Malawi Kwacha when a need arose (Tembo 2012). Since the establishment of an active exchange rate, the Malawi kwacha lost value again in 1982 by 15%. Devaluation has also been happening in the past years up to date. Devaluation trend in Malawi starting from 1988 is depicted in table 1 in the appendix. 3. 0 What triggered devaluation 3. 1Few forex reserves inflows to finance imports The countrys long standing foreign exchange problems intensified in 2011 because of lower tobacco export earnings and cuts in external aid as several donors reduced their financial support to Malawi when the authorities IMF-supported program went off track in the first half of 2011 and because of human rights and governance concerns (IMF 2012). This pushed Malawi towards financial collapse. . 2Trade deficit In Malawi, the value of imports is more than value of exports. This means that the amount of goods imported from outside exceeds the amount of goods we export hence making Malawi a net importer. This can be due to the fact that our locally produced goods seem to be expensive on the international market thereby making foreign countries less willing to import more. In order to improve foreign exchange shortages, trad e deficits and to woo back international donors, the government decided to devalue its currency. According to Reserve Bank of Malawi statement (2012), governor Charles Chuka said that the move was intended not only to improve the availability of foreign exchange and unlock donor flows, but also to reduce demand for imported consumer goods in favour of domestically produced goods. 4. 0 Reactions of the general public The response by Malawians, however, has been mixed. Some people seeme to be positive about devaluation while others are crying foul. 4. 1 Reason for negative reactions . 1. 1 Leads to inflation Devaluation leads to inflation especially on goods that use imported raw materials and as well as due to transportation cost (rising cost of fuel) (Tembo 2012). Most Malawians complained about devaluation; although the prices of goods and services have risen up, wages or income for most of them remains constant. Furthermore, importers, have tended to suffer and, with inflation rocketing, the prices of imported goods and services have also significantly risen. The Chief Executive of the Consumer Association of Malawi, John Kapito, pointed out that Malawi is a landlocked country and heavily dependent on imports, so any weakness in the kwacha was bound to have negative consequences for consumers (IRIN 2012). The graph in the appendix depicts the inflation trend between April,2011 and April 2012. Since the purchasing power is usually reduced due to inflation, most Malawians have shown their anger after devaluation through strikes since their incomes have remained the same. The devaluation of the kwacha by 49 percent in May and the general hard economic environment have sparked a spate of strikes in companies and institutions which aimed at an increment in peoples income. An analysis by the Daily Times shows that most of the strikes began after July 1, when the current national budget was adopted, which means between May and June people were looking forward to July to see if government and other companies would put in place economic measures that would cushion them from the negative effects of the devaluation (BNL Times 2012). Table 2 in the appendix depicts some of the strikes that has occurred since devaluation. 4. 2 Reasons for positive reactions 4. 2. 1Increase export earnings Most Malawians who export goods and services, especially tobacco farmers, supported devaluation since a weakened currency has been particularly good for exporters such as tobacco farmers who sell predominantly to foreign firms for US dollars. Julian Chidumu from the Tobacco Control Commission, for example, said: â€Å"we are very happy with the devaluation because the tobacco prices are good on the market and we have seen already the prices are actually picking up which is very good for the famers†(Think Africa Press 2012). 4. 2. 2 Winning back international support Some people also supported devaluation since it was done to win back international support in a country heavily reliant on aid. Following devaluation, donors have responded with renewed pledges of support. For example, the IMF announced its intention to start a new programme to replace the three-year Extended Credit Facility, which was frozen last year and expired in February 2012. The World Bank promised to collaborate with the IMF mission on a rapid response operation to provide technical support to the 2012/13 budget and vowed to finance community-focused projects such as the Malawi Social Action Fund, the Local Development Fund and the Irrigation, Rural Livelihood and Development fund (Think Africa Press 2012). 4. 2. 3 Attract investors and increases foreign reserves Other people supported devaluation since it will attract foreign investors; at the same time increasing foreign reserves, expanding domestic production to meet local and export demand and also creating jobs hence economic growth. According to Nyasa Times (2012), most economists agree that the new exchange rates should help attract foreign investment, thus increasing the country’s foreign exchange reserves and making it easier to import those things that had become so scarce in the past months: medicine, for example, and petrol. In addition, devaluation will also make Malawi’s exports much more attractive on international markets hence generating more foreign reserves. 5. 0 The role played by trade unions Most of the trade unions blamed the government for devaluing the currency considering the hardships that most workers will pass through hence demanding wage increments in both government and private institutions. According to Luther Mambala, president of Malawi’s Congress of Trade Union, an umbrella body of Malawi’s trade unions, argues that the devaluation will have a particularly significant impact on the low-income earners. We are now planning to engage into negotiations with the government which is the biggest employer in Malawi to consider increasing salaries of the workers to match with the recent prices for goods and services,†he explained (Think Africa Press 2012). Furthermore, Robert Mkwezalamba, Secretary General Malawi Congress of Trade Union (MCTU)â€â€a body that champions the rights of workers, told Blantyre News Limited on August 2, 2012, that that the strikes are justifiable given that cost of living has shot up yet most companies are reluctant to duly raise pay. He further said that Malawian Congress of Trade Unions is fighting for a 40% wage increase for the formal sector, but 88% of Malawians work in the informal sector where wages are not fixed and the devaluation has squeezed their already meager profits pushing them further into poverty hence the union will also fight back to protect informal workers. 6. 0 conclusion In conclusion, devaluation was really relevant but it is not the only key to economic recovery. It is one of the keys that is useful in assisting Malawi to access Extended Credit Facility, unlocking donor fund, and increase export earnings (Tembo 2012).
Sunday, April 19, 2020
The Eating Disorder
There is increased eating disorder on various groups of people and especially the middle aged adolescent group. The eating disorders cause great morbidity and premature mortality risks mostly to young adolescent girls and women. Currently there are no solid proofs for the real causes of the eating disorders.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Eating Disorder – Anorexia Nervosa specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The current high eating disorder prevalence among young adolescent men and women have triggered a need for the search for modifiable risks factors that will help in explaining the causes of the disorder and how it can be mitigated. Psychologists have associated the eating disorder to some psychological, socio-cultural and biological factors. This eating disorder is referred as Anorexia nervosa. The disorder is characterized by self eating denial commonly accompanied by excess body weight los s. Anorexia nervosa is identified when an individual weighs 15% less than his/her body weight (Klein, Schebendach, Gershkovich, Bodell, Foltin Walsh, 2010). There is no exact known cause of Anorexia nervosa. Nevertheless, researchers have associated the disorder to be a resultant of some environmental conditions, personality traits, emotions and thinking patterns or some biological factors. In summary, the causes of Anorexia nervosa have been categorized into three classes by researchers. The causes are biological, socio-cultural or biological. Researchers attribute overlapping socio-cultural accounts to include the tripartite pressure and dual pathway. Research has shown that a lot of pressure from pears, family and mass media has a tendency to trigger body dissatisfaction and eating disorders directly and also through two mediating mechanisms. These mechanisms involve internalization of unrealistic and ideal societal attractiveness. An example for this is where ultra-thinness is considered as the ideal beauty for women. This entails from the tendency for an individual to frequently compare his/her physical appearance with pears or media ideals.Advertising Looking for research paper on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The other mechanism is where one suffers from elevation in negative effect. It has been noted that appearances pressure from the mass media, family or pears has been caused by social sanctioned attractiveness ideals that cause one to be dissatisfied with her/his body. Consequently, body dissatisfaction eventually leads to eating disorders symptoms over time. It is perceived that plumb girls that have internalized ultra-thin ideals for attractiveness for women are vulnerable to later increases in disturbances that will affect their eating habit. Researchers have identified that women often engage in frequent appearance comparisons than men and this makes them suffer from body di ssatisfaction more than their counterparts’ men. This reason explains why there are many women that suffer from eating disorders than men. Weight and body dissatisfaction have been highlighted as the major causes of eating disorders. It is noted that majority of the people that suffer from anorexia disorder are those that suffer from low-self esteem. This is because adolescent girls or boys that suffer from low self esteem will most likely have a tendency to compare their physical appearance with those of their pears or media models and often consider their appearances as being inferior. Most TV models and particularly in western cultures associate ultra-thinness with beauty for women. Therefore those adolescent girls that are plumb and suffer from low self esteem may tend to being dissatisfied with their bodies hence developing eating disorders (Hoeken, Veling, Smink Hoek, 2010).). There are some psychologists that consider those people that suffer from Anorexia nervosa not to have emotions. They regard them not to have emotions because those people that suffer from anorexia nervosa appear at first to be confused and behave as though they are not sure of their emotions.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Eating Disorder – Anorexia Nervosa specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This condition is referred as alexithymia that denotes a condition of difficulty in recognizing and expressing one’s emotional states. Some researchers have linked the alexithymia condition with fluctuations in mood rather than eating disorders. Nevertheless, researchers have pointed a very close relationship between alexithymia and measures of depression and anxiety. The research also reveals that alexithymia is common for many people that have depression and suffered from the eating disorder. This assumption have raised a lot of concern since many scholars are questioning how people suffe ring from eating disorders can have a problem in identifying other emotions such as anger and fear. This concern has raised a lot of interest on the subject. This dilemma has lead to some researchers linking the cause of Anorexia as a result of a means of escaping painful affects. According to Jackson Chen (2011), there is a model developed by Cooper that postulates positive beliefs about eating. The positive belief of vomiting was determined to help the self to dissociate from the emotional distress that is caused by existence of negative beliefs. However, further distress occurs because of the existence of the negative belief about eating that perceives eating will make one gain weight. This causes a conflict in an individual that result to a cognitive dissonance which makes them belief that their eating disorder is out of their control (Fox, 2009). There are two types of eating disorders which are primarily restriction of food that is considered as an emotional avoider and vomit ing which is taken as a suppresser of the emotion. People suffering from eating disorder are known to suppress anger much more than controls.Advertising Looking for research paper on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It is believed that suppression of negative emotions predicts body dissatisfaction. Various researches showed that women who were diagnosed with anorexia norverso recorded higher anger scores and anger suppression scores than controls. Researchers were unable to identify the reason why anger was a difficult emotion, but assumed that the anger was a means of protecting the participants’ relationships. Similarly, researchers also noted higher level of other emotions such as anxiety and fear among those people that suffer from Anorexia norverso. Moreover those people that suffer from eating disorder were noted to be highly disgust sensitive and particularly for their bodies and food (Karatzias, Chouliara, Power, Collins Grierson, 2010).). Anorexia nervosa is mostly considered as a heredity disorder that runs in families. Many researches conducted reveal that many of those patients that suffer from the disorder have relatives who have ever had the disorder. Anorexia nervosa has vital short time and long time physical, psychological and sociological affects. The eating disorder makes bodies of people suffering from Anorexia nervosa struggle to manage insufficient calories and nutrients. Most Anorexia nervosa patients are known to experience constipations, abdominal pains, dry, yellow colored skin, dizziness and disrupted menstrual cycles. When the eating disorder continues over a long period of time, the patient can develop osteoporosis, infertility, heart problems, anemia, and neurological problems among others. Osteoporosis is a condition that makes the density of bones to reduce. This is a very dangerous condition because it can make the victims vulnerable to painful fractures especially in the hip and spine. In addition, it leads to loss of height and continuous disabling pain. People that suffer from Anorexia nervosa for a long period of time deprive their bodies essential nutrients and minerals such as calcium that are responsible for making bones to grow and become strong. The most affected people are adolescents since most eating disorders develops from age 13 through out the teenage period. Eating disorder during this age is very serious since it is the period when the bones of the adolescents are developing and reaching their peak strengths. Therefore, denying the body necessary nutrients through Anorexia nervosa can lead to serious health issues as aforementioned above (Soban, 2010). Eating disorder has been noted to cause disruption in the menstrual cycle. Prolonged Anorexia nervosa may lead to infertility. Infertility occurs in women suffering from anorexia nervosa when their body fats drops drastically, thus inhibiting the production of estrogen hormone that is needed to stimulate ovulation. Most of those women that develop infertility as a result of Anorexia nervosa regain their fertility once they resume eating well and after gaining some weight. Anorexia nervosa is also known to cause heart problems and anemia. The he art develops problems due to wearing out of the fat that protects the heart from injury. Severe anorexia nervosa results to weakening of the heart muscle that in turn weakens the heart. Consequently, the weakening of the heart muscles leads to low blood pressure and pulse which eventually leads to a slower rate of breathing. People who suffer from severe anorexia nervosa can consequently develop nerve damage which will in turn affect the brain. The damaging of the nerves can lead one to suffer from a state of confusion, seizures, numbness and peripheral neuropathy. Some people regain their normal status when they start eating well and after regaining some weight, although in some cases some damages is permanent (Sang, Jaussent, Raingeard Bringer, 2010). People that suffer from Anorexia nervosa are known to possess interpersonal distress. The interpersonal problems are believed to be caused by the physical and psychological problems that are associated with patients that suffer from anorexia nervosa such as low-self esteem, perfectionism and physical impairment. For instance, some people that suffer from anorexia nervosa are noted to demand so much from others. Such situation makes people to pull away from them such that they are left in isolation. Such isolation makes these patients develop hostility towards other people and disaffiliation. Alternatively, the isolation can lead them to develop a desperate need for others and intrusiveness. Both these two situations lead to strained relationships and social functioning impairment (Hartmann, Zeeck Barrett, 2010). Anorexia nervosa is heterogeneous. It affects both men and women. Nevertheless, there is a difference in the way men and women differ in the manner in which they view their body image, dieting and what motivates them to exercise. The image relayed by the mass media about how ideal men should appear is totally different to the message the mass media give about how ideal beautiful women should look like . The media portrays ultra-thinness as the beauty for women, while it portals that men should be masculine in order to be liked by women. One symptom of anorexia nervosa in men is excessive exercise. The effects of anorexia nervosa in men include the loss of approximately 20% of weight which is very dangerous to their health. This is because men possess less fat than women and therefore when they loss weight they loss more of their muscles than fat. Men that suffer from anorexia nervosa have interpersonal problems and most of them opt to live single lives. Most of those that marry may opt not to get children. Severe anorexia in men is also noted to cause infertility in men since it greatly reduces the level of the testosterone. Moreover, anorexia nervosa in men has been associated with lack of sexual identity in men. This can be linked to the reason why majority of those men that are diagnosed with the disorder are mostly homosexual or heterosexual (Lindblad, Lindberg, Hjern, 2006). Reference List Fox, J. (2009). A Qualitative Exploration of the Perception of Emotions in Anorexia Nervosa: A Basic Emotion and Developmental Perspective. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy,16, 276–302. Hartmann, A., Zeeck, A. Barrett, M. (2010). Interpersonal Problems in Eating Disorders. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 43, 619–627. Hoeken D., Veling, W., Smink, F. Hoek, H. (2010).The Incidence of Anorexia Nervosa in Netherlands Antilles Immigrants in the Netherlands. Eating Disorders Association, 18, 399–403. Jackson, T. Chen, H. (2011).Risk Factors for Disordered Eating During Early and Middle Adolescence: Prospective Evidence from Mainland Chinese Boys and Girls. Journal of Abnormal Psychology  © 2011 American Psychological Association, 120, 454–464. Karatzias, T., Chouliara, Z., Power, K. Collins, P. Grierson, D. (2010).General Psychopathology in Anorexia Nervosa: The Role of Psychosocial Factors. Clini cal Psychology and Psychotherapy, 17, 519–527. Klein, D., Schebendach, J., Gershkovich, M., Bodell, L., Foltin, R. Walsh, T. (2010). Behavioral Assessment of the Reinforcing Effect of Exercise in Women with Anorexia Nervosa: Further Paradigm Development and Data. International Journal of Eating Disorders ,7, 611–618. Lindblad, F., Lindberg, L., Hjern, A. (2006).Anorexia Nervosa in Young Men: A Cohort Study. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 39, 662–666. Sang, C., Jaussent, I., Raingeard, I. Bringer, J. (2010). Is Decision Making Really Impaired in Eating Disorders? Neuropsychology  © 2010 American Psychological Association 2010, 24, 808–812 Soban, C. (2010).What about the Boys? Addressing Issues of Masculinity within Male Anorexia Nervosa in a Feminist Therapeutic Environment. The College of New Jersey. This research paper on The Eating Disorder – Anorexia Nervosa was written and submitted by user Annabell N. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Saturday, March 14, 2020
Brown vs. the Board of Education of Topeka essays
Brown vs. the Board of Education of Topeka essays Brown v. Board of Education was not the first Supreme Court case of its kind. In the 1896 case of Plessy v. Ferguson, the Supreme Court ruled that "separate but equal" segregation of public facilities was not a violation of the constitution. This ruling was considered constitutional as long as the schools for blacks provided the same education as the whites received at their schools; this was obviously not the case. Following this ruling, separate schools for blacks and whites became a basic rule in the south. At this time, Jim Crow Laws had also been passed throughout the south which established separate facilities for blacks and whites in everything from schools to water fountains. Seven year old Linda Brown walked a mile to her school in Topeka, Kansas every day. Even though there was a school, Sumner Elementary, located within four blocks of her house, Linda was not allowed to attend. Every day when she would walk to the bus stop, this young girl would pass by the school and wonder to herself why she couldn't simply go there but instead had to travel so far to a different school. The reason she couldn't go to the local school was simple, she was black. Linda's father, Oliver Brown, tried to enroll her in the all-white Sumner Elementary School to make things a little bit easier on them and to get a better education for his daughter. Both the superintendent of the school and the members of the school board were strong supporters of segregation and wholeheartedly opposed the idea of allowing a black girl to attend there school. Oliver Brown did not take this opposition with a grain of salt. Mr. Brown felt that there was absolutely no reason why young Linda Brown should not be able to attend this school with the other children. The school was less than half the distance of the school she had been attending and also offered a stronger education. To gain support, Mr. Brown went to the Topeka, Kansas branch of the NAACP or National...
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