Sunday, December 29, 2019
Ethics - 776 Words
Ethics Week 2 Paper Group A – In group A I chose to answer choice two. I think that it would be just plain wrong to withhold the information from the airplane pilot. To me withholding the important health information airplane pilot is plain evil and wrong. In this week’s lesson we learned that no act is always and everywhere right or wrong. Whatever a person believes to be right is right for that person and vice versa when we feel that something is wrong. This is why it would be important to discuss the information about the pilot’s health to him to give him a chance to decide what is right or wrong for himself. We can only choose what’s ethically right or wrong in our own case scenario, and should give other people the chance to decide†¦show more content†¦With Augustine faith is really big with him; I feel that he would’ve relied on faith to handle the patient disorder. On the other hand, to me St. Aquins would’ve told the pilot the information becau se his beliefs were based off morals and conscience. Dealing with conscience after an ethical decision questions whether something is right or wrong is reflected upon. Conscience sets views and perspectives apart from religious or cultural beliefs. Group B- In group B listing I chose to contrast on dilemma #1, I feel that if the office worker had spare time to take off than that is his choice and business. As long as he notified the workplace in a timely matter I dont feel that he is wrong. It is the work place duty to find someone to cover and fill the tracks when someone is taking off work because of an illness. If the office worker keeps getting sick there is really nothing that he can do about it. He can only go home take some time off to recover and get better. I feel that he was ethically right by taking the time off and not even requesting pay during his absence. I believe it is evil for anyone to complain about someone being not able to work because they are sick. I’ m sure he wanted to make money, but it is almost impossible to do good sufficient work being ill. In this case the workplace may feel that the office worker should be and ought to be at work, but theShow MoreRelatedEthics And Ethics : Ethics922 Words  | 4 Pagesand friend group to be altered. One change I was not anticipating making was my approach to ethics. Over the course of the past fifteen weeks, my knowledge of ethics as well as my approach to ethics has changed. I have become more knowledgeable about the different approaches to ethics and have gained insight as to where I stand in my approach to ethics. One thing that has changed in my approach to ethics since the beginning of the semester is I am now adamant that it is impossible to arrive at aRead MoreEthics : Ethics And Ethics Essay1578 Words  | 7 Pages†¢ Define ethics. Ethics is defined as the moral principles and standards that guide the behavior of an individual or group, while business ethics refers to said behavior in the work environment. Great leaders demonstrate and practice this both personally and professionally. With today’s constant media coverage of unethical decisions and their violators, it can be easy for many to people to assume that ethics codes are â€Å"just for show†. A prime example of the unethical culture that exists in businessRead MoreEthics : Ethics And Ethics851 Words  | 4 PagesJohn Berger who stated, â€Å"Without ethics, man has no future. This is to say, mankind without them cannot be itself. Ethics determine choices and actions and suggest difficult priorities†(Berger). His meaning behind that quote is simple. In this world is there a right and a wrong way of doing something? In this world, ethics determines our actions and the consequences that come about those actions, determining right and wrong. The real question is however, are Ethics black and white? Is what is â€Å"right†Read MoreEthics : Ethics And Ethics955 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction: Ethics is a key moral philosophy that helps us determine what is right and wrong. This paper will talk about my views on ethics. I will share personal examples of ethical situations that I have been in. I will also share where my ethical views originated from and why ethics is important to me. Next, I will discuss how ethics will affect my career and why it will be important in it. Lastly, I will talk about the importance of ethics in the global world. Personal: In my opinion ethics is a moralRead MoreEthics And The Ethics Of Ethics929 Words  | 4 Pages Ethics Nurse’s Before all parties involved can begin a working relationship, each individual should discuss and obtain a written description of the duties expected and the code of ethics that should be respected and followed; by beginning with a clear understanding of ethical values. Ethics: the study of right and wrong and how to tell the difference between them. Since ethics also means people s beliefs about right and wrong behavior, ethics can be defined as the study of ethics. EthicsRead MoreEthics : Ethics And Ethics1569 Words  | 7 Pages Ethics In Nursing Rayda M. Garcia Fairleigh Dickinson Universityâ€Æ' Ethics In Nursing The study of ethics, or applied ethics, is necessary for healthcare professionals who often face dilemmas that are not experienced by the general population. The fast-paced growth of medical technology has made the study of ethics even more relevant. The study of bioethics, or biomedical ethics, refers to moral dilemmas due to advances in medicine and medical research. Since medical law and ethics are oftenRead MoreEthics And Ethics Of Ethics775 Words  | 4 Pagesmillion to settle a shareholder lawsuit. We can refer from the two previous examples that ethics education is crucial. The main reason for ethics education is that ethics courses and training would help students, who are going to become future managers and business decision makers, to resolve such ethical dilemmas correctly. As we know that most dilemmas often have multiple decision criteria. Business ethics classes would help students to realize which decision criteria lead to a preference for aRead MoreEthics And Ethics Of Ethics Essay1491 Words  | 6 Pagesemployees that the work place ethics code forbids using work-place resources for personal financial profit. To make ethically right decision in this ethical dilemma, I will focus on the philosophers’ standpoint and reasoning of ethics of care, ethics of justice, utilitarian ethics and universal principle to analyze the situation. In this tough situation, my conclusion is that I will not report this action to the higher authority although she is violating wor k place ethics code. I will provide my reasoningRead MoreEthics : Ethics And Ethics1485 Words  | 6 Pages Ethics is a concept derived from an individual’s religion, philosophies or culture, forming a collection of moral principles carrying out the manner in which a person leads their life. In modern society philosophers divide ethical theories into three separate areas, meta-ethics, normative ethics and applied ethics. Meta-ethics refer to the origins and meanings of ethical principles, dealing with the nature of moral judgement. Normative ethics refers to what is right and wrong and concerned withRead MoreEthics And Ethics Of Ethics987 Words  | 4 PagesEthics affect every facet of life, especially in a professional community. When a decision is to be made within a community, the ethical decision is typically that which benefits the most people or harms the least people. There are some scenarios however, when the correct decision based on a system of ethics that values doing the right thing is not the decision that leaves behind the least negative impact on the organization. An organization must decide if it will follow the system of ethics that
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Essay on Stress - 639 Words
Stress is any circumstance that threatens or is perceived to threaten ones well-being and that thereby taxes ones coping abilities. Many everyday events such as car trouble, waiting in line, bills you cant pay, or Christmas shopping can cause stress. Major and minor stresses are two different things but they can strongly be tied together. For example, someone who is going through a major stressful event like a terminal illness in the family can trigger minor stressful events such as funeral arrangements, the will, and other important decisions. It is very often that events that are stressful for one person are not at all stressful for the next person. For instance, many people find it stressful to be on a cruise ship, yet others†¦show more content†¦Conflicts come in three types; approach-approach, avoidance-avoidance, and approach-avoidance. In the approach-approach conflict a choice must be made between two attractive goals. For instance: You go out to a restaurant; do you get the fillet minion or the lobster tails? Amid the types of conflict this one is the least stressful. These conflicts classically have a happy ending. Being torn between two appealing subjects, the decision will most likely be stressful but you wont lose out. In an avoidance-avoidance conflict a choice must be made between two unattractive goals. Suppose you have a ghastly cough. Should you take the Robitusson that makes you cringe at the thought of the taste, or should you suffer the cough depriving you of sleep? These avoidance-avoidance conflicts are extremely horrid and vastly stressful. In an approach-avoidance conflict a choice must be made about whether to pursue a single goal that has both attractive and unattractive aspects. These conflicts are quite stressful. Any time that you have to sacrifice something or take a risk for some advantageous result you will engage in an approach-avoidance conflict. For example: The college that youve been dreaming to attend your whole life has accepted you. It far from home and you boyfriend doesnt want you to go. Do you stay with him and forget it, or do you go for it and pursue your dream? Approach-avoidance conflicts frequently produce indecisiveness, forcing you to goShow MoreRelatedStress And Stress On Stress1266 Words  | 6 Pageswhat exactly is stress and why do we feel it? Stress can be the way someone’s brain responds to a demand no matter how big or small. Stress can be caused by something as simple as commuting to and from work or school on a daily basis; however, stress could also be something as big as marriage or buying a house. We all have our own amount of stress we can handle normally on a daily basis. Stress is a mental or emotional strain or tension due to very demanding circumstances. Stress may also be to giveRead MoreStress And The Stress Of Stress1594 Words  | 7 PagesStress is something everyone goes through no matter what age, gender or race you are. Stress is the experience of a perceived threat to one’s mental, physical or spiritual well-being, resulting from a series of physiological responses and adaptations. When people think of stress they think it’s a bad thing which isn’t true, some stress is just your body’s reaction to certain situations. At times it may seem like stress is taking over your body leaving you physically, emotionally and mentally hurtRead MoreStress Among Stress And Stress1015 Words  | 5 PagesIn the United States, stress problems are common. According to, â€Å"The American Psychological Association (2017 )†, â€Å"Stress in America†is rated to be present in one-third of the population. There are so many studies which associate with stress levels at any particular moment of their lives. When stress occurs repeatedly, the incidence of its occurrence is much higher when you think of throughout a lifespan. When talking about stress, it’s regarding the reference to the negative experiences that overwhelmRead MoreStress And Stress Related Stress1224 Words  | 5 PagesStress is a common problem in modern day life today. It is a basic thing of everyday life and there is no way to completely escape it. Most people associate stress with a negative situations; however, whether the stress related problem is negative or positive, the important key is how you respond to it. People experience stress in many different ways. Because stress has negative effects, it will usually manifest itself it one way or another. Stress is not avoidable but it can be managed withRead MoreStress And The Stress Management1474 Words  | 6 PagesThe definition of Stress, its history and how to manage Stress is a daily conversation word as the world is becoming more challenging and difficult to live. It is very important to understand, and know how to manage it on a daily basis especially on our workplace. This essay will be broken into four parts firstly it is going to discuss about the contrast and similarity in the definition of stress between Engineering and Selye’s approach. Then it is going to critically evaluate the General AdaptationRead MoreStress And Symptoms Of Stress Essay1604 Words  | 7 Pagesdebilitating depression. Stress- just the word may be enough to set your nerve on edge. Stress is a reaction of the body to substantial or unusual demands. In other word, Stress is your body’s way of responding to any kind of demand or threat. Everyone have some sort of stress and has a different way to cope their stress. When stress is within your comfort zone which we may call good stress, it can help you to stay focused, energetic, and alert. In emergency si tuations, stress can save your lifeâ€â€givingRead MoreEssay On Stress And Stress1914 Words  | 8 PagesStress and anxiety in the average college student. Selye (1936) defined stress as â€Å"the non-specific response of the body to any demand for change†(The American Institute of Stress, 2017). Stress can lead to feelings of anxiety. Anxiety is a normal part of life, but can be considered a type of worry or fear that can inhibit everyday life. College students show higher stress/anxiety than average individuals. Major sources of stress are from new responsibilities, campus living, money issues, and classworkRead MoreThe Effects Of Stress On The Workplace Stress1387 Words  | 6 PagesWorkplace stress comes in endless types of reactions and is different from employee to employee. According to Hitt, Miller, Colella in Organizational Behavior, stress is a feeling of tension that occurs when a person perceives that a situation is about to exceed her ability to cope an d consequently could endanger their well-being. Job stress is the feeling that one’s capabilities, resources, or needs to not match the demands or requirements of the job. In today’s world everybody deals with some sortRead MoreHow Stress And Stress Management1319 Words  | 6 Pagesin which we have studied during the weeks of nine through eleven. I have selected to explore Stress and Stress Management more in depth. In this assignment I will explain what made me want to know more about it. I plan on telling you what you should know about Stress and Stress Management. Lastly, I will discuss how Stress and Stress Management relate to success in my personal and professional life. Stress can be defined as the nonspecific response of the body to any demand made on it (Lamberton Read MoreThe Effects Of Stress On Students With Stress Management927 Words  | 4 PagesRelief Stress is something everyone deals with on different levels and in different ways. Stress can originate from daily hassles, bad time management, and big life changing decisions. College is where all three of these appear to meet; whether it be deciding what career to chase, the impending terror of midterms, or what to eat for lunch stress is surrounding college students. If universities do not look into ways of helping students with stress management, than students are not only at risk of
Friday, December 13, 2019
Safety and quality Free Essays
I believe that there are positive and negative consequences in the safety and quality affecting the delivery of healthcare today. For example, in the past patients used to be on prolonged bed rest following surgical procedures thus the promotion of atelectasis, pneumonia, thrombus formation and so on†¦ Positively, the safety and quality has evolved by enforcing patients to ambulate early, use tri-flows, apply ted hose and sequential compression devices have eliminated the amount of these post operative complications. Also advanced technological inventions, such as laparoscopy, have lessened the extensive hospital stays. We will write a custom essay sample on Safety and quality or any similar topic only for you Order Now According to Dr. Porter-O’Grady, â€Å"Thirty years ago today when somebody entered the health care system for surgery, 86% of the times, they were inpatient. Today, 83% of the people who come through the health care system are outpatients. †However, negatively, after several procedures patients are sent home in a matter of hours and many of these patients wind up in emergency rooms. This was my experience last month, after a diagnostic laparoscopy. At the hospital I felt fine. After a couple of hours when the anesthesia wore off at home, I was in an incredible amount of pain, had urinary retention, and to this day my voice after being intubated is not the same. The staff was professional and comforting but I was disappointed that no one told me about these potential adverse effects. Also, many patients who have cesarean sections and are discharged after 2 to 3 days visit the OB/GYN triage with wound infection, wound dehiscence, and other complications. We are steered by such strict guidelines placed upon us by insurances and Medicaid that we do not have adequate time to monitor the patients for side effects from the procedures and I believe this is a negative impact on the nursing practice. It has become a prominent concern on OB/GYN triage, due to insurance and Medicaid does not pay for re-admits, thus meaning the unit is losing money when it is bombarded with these patients. We need to remember as nurses patients expect us to be proficient and will advocate for them. â€Å"We need to hold on the fact that nurses have been leaders in the health care and society, and that is something we need to act on and emulate and leave for the next generation. †(Mason, 2005) This issue does affect our job because the patients’ experience will be negative if they assume that they are receiving insufficient care. How to cite Safety and quality, Papers
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