Friday, January 31, 2020
The Development of a software for outsourcing Essay Example for Free
The Development of a software for outsourcing Essay This study may not be achievable without the cooperation, guidance and support and of a few person and organization. University adopted Supervisor Dr. PQR[1], Lecturer, Department of computing, ABC University, was the resource of the inspiration and motivation to this dissertation effort. He has provided vital assistance along all the way. His help is really immeasurable. Department of computing[2], ABC University, is another resource to gaining this study. It has provided valuable modulation, books, Journals, Researches and too many efforts for this study. Teacher and staffs of the Department and the Faculty Dean are extremely helpful. Devoid of their assistance, this study could not have reached its conclusion. Encouragement, love and caring of my family ensured a working environment for such a project without disturbing the normal family routine. All the optimistic attributes of this dissertation have driven from those mentioned above. The conclusions or any other errors, omissions and mistakes within this dissertation are attributable just to the author. Abstract The world of business is in the midst of revolution in which the key ingredient is control and Management of information within the organization. Every company that wants to move forward must embrace Information technology based information processing. The purpose of businesses is maximization of goals especially this era of corporate sustainability and achieve this companies will need to move with technology based information processing. Companies in countries like Taiwan need to develop capacity to utilize Information Technology to improve product and services choice among customers in order to give pleasure and satisfaction. This independence, pleasure and satisfaction will be determined by individual perception of the chosen product or service and the preference in the choice of the same. Therefore, to accommodate the rapid changes occurring in business world, information technology processing software is needed. Then question of developing software for outsourcing purposes. This case study describes the rthe development of software and it outsourcing management. The implementation of a prototype IT developed by ABC, a student at the University of kkk aiming to help SDE to develop technology-based inventory control. Collaborating with the management of SDE, XXX investigated this tool in the context of managing outsourcing of software. A inference research approach will be adopted to an able the research to study,  whereby qualitative empirical data was collected through semi-structured face-to-face interviews, internet questionnaires. Face to face, interviews will be carried, targeting the employees of the company. I conclude that the Information technology system enhances companies managing of information , increases collaboration and sharing information among employees, and increased profitability by reducing knowledge management in the organization and loss due employees stealing. I have also learned that the management SDE appreciates the software outsourcing as a tool to successful control of patents and property rights. I was able to evaluate the usability of the software outsourcing. Finally, This study offer some contributions for this company on how software outsourcing will be great value and  make them improve the current market share as well as protect their software rights and some recommendations for its management in better decision making is availed.
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Doctors? Listening Skills Essay -- essays research papers fc
Doctors’ Listening Skills      When people go to the doctor’s office they want the doctor to listen. Competency and a correct diagnosis are appreciated too, but more than anything, patients value doctors’ silence (Richards, 1407). In addition, patients want â€Å"more and better information about their problem and the outcome, more openness about the side effects of treatment, relief of pain and emotional distress, and advice on what they can do for themselves†(Meryn, 1922). Doctors’ technical role is in excellent health; it is their interpersonal role that is in intensive care. If doctors are to meet the needs of their patients they must first listen with an empathic ear and practice responsive communication. Sadly, most doctors have better handwriting than communication skills. â€Å"Effective listening – empathic listening – promotes growth in the listener, the one listened to, and the relationship between them†(Nichols, 1995).      Being listened to makes you feel good. The father of listening, Ralph G. Nichols said, â€Å"The most basic of all human needs is to understand and to be understood†¦. The best way to understand people is to listen to them.†Doctors’ can only treat physical ailments when they chose not to listen to patients’ needs. Listening is the doctors’ window to what is on the inside (Bently, 56).      Susan Urba used to take a pro-active approach with her cancer patients, doing all the talking, informing them about the disease. She learned her care was better received when she focused in on her patients’ needs and fears first. â€Å"Giving patients the chance to tell us what’s right for them can be hard,†said Urba, â€Å"but how else can we know what they truly need to feel better†(Urba, 167)?      Patients’ come to the doctor because they are suffering. So, to be treated effectively, the doctor must recognize and treat the suffering not with quick advice or a bottle of pills, but by taking the time to listen to what the patient is saying. Even though doctors can never truly experience another’s distress, they can do a better job at attending to their patients’ needs by simply listening. Because medicine has often replaced an ear to the suffering, â€Å"physicians may inadvertently cause suffering or fail to relieve it when relief is possible†(Cassell, 24). Empat... ...7. Cassell, Eric J. â€Å"Recognizing Suffering.†Hastings Center Report, p24 (8), May/June 1991. Girzaitis, L. â€Å"We Listen with our Hearts.†Listening, A Response Activity, MN: St Mary's Press. Gordon, Suzanne â€Å"What Nurses Know.†Mother Jones, 40 (7), Sept/Oct-1992. Kaukas, Dick â€Å"A Woman's Touch.†Courier-Journal, H1+, 1 May 1994. Krupet, E. â€Å"A Delicate Imbalance.†Psychology Today, p22 (5), November 1986. Meryn, Siegfried â€Å"Improving Doctor-Patient Communication: Not an Option, but a Necessity.†British Medical Journal, v316 n7149 p1922 (1), 27 June 1998. Nichols, R. â€Å"Listening: Questions and Problems.†Quarterly Journal of Speech, p3383 (4). Richards, T. â€Å"Chasms in Communication.†British Medical Journal, p301 1407 (2), 1990. Urba, Susan â€Å"Sometimes the Best Thing I do is Listening.†Medical Economics, v75 n9 p167 (4), 11 May 1998. Walker, Kandi L. â€Å"Do You Ever Listen?: Discovering the Theoretical Underpinnings of Empathic Listening.†Journal of the International Listening Association. Zimmerman, R. â€Å"Physicians' and Patients' Perceptions of Actual Versus Ideal Physicians' Communications and Listening Behaviors.†Journal of the International Listening Association, vol 4 p143 (22), 1990.
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Dante’s Inferno: Contrapasso Essay
Contrapasso means suffer the opposite. It refers to the punishment of souls in Dante’s Inferno by a process either resembling or contrasting with the sin itself. There are many examples of contrapasso in Dante’s Inferno, as he travels ever deeper into the depths of hell. In the Inferno, we are given a tour through Hell by Dante, who is a middle-aged man. The Inferno is a story of a journey given by two different Dantes: Dante the pilgrim and Dante the author. He has a natural emotion of pity, which he is often reprimanded for. At the beginning of his journey, he is confronted by three animals. These animals represent the three rings of Hell. The first one is the she-wolf, representing incontinence, the second is the lion, representing violence, and the third is the leopard, representing fraud and deception. According to Dante, fraud and deception are the worst sins, followed by violence, then incontinence. Virgil is Dante’s guide throughout this treacherous journey. Dante uses the concept of contrapasso to express his own views on ethics of various sins, reflecting on the cultural and political state of Italy at the time. Before Dante and Virgil enter Hell proper, they find the opportunists in the vestibule. They are running around wildly chasing a banner, while nude being stung by hornets and wasps. When the split came between Satan and God, they tried to stay neutral, and now they must suffer their punishment. Here, the banner symbolizes a leader, serving as a direct punishment for their indecisive nature. They come across limbo next, where the virtuous pagans are. These are the souls of good non-Christians, who are stuck in limbo because they were never baptized and never went to church to study Jesus. This is where Virgil and the poets reside. Limbo is not a bad place to be, and their only punishment is that they will never get to see the face of God. This is a fitting punishment because while alive they never knew of God, and now they are forbidden from him. They encounter the least offensive sinners in the first ring of Hell, represented by the she-wolf. Once inside the gates of Hell, Dante encounters the Carnal (or lustful). The souls who are in this first section of Hell are so because they let their lusts control them in life. The punishment of the Carnal is that they are trapped in a whirlwind, blizzard storm. They see the object of their lust, but they cannot have sex in Hell. They are doomed to chase their love around in the whirlwind, and they cannot satisfy their needs in any way. Contrapasso is appropriate here because while living they could not control their urges and always satisfied their needs, but now in Hell they are not allowed to. In circle three of Hell, we find the gluttons. Ciacco is a representative of the gluttons whom Dante knows personally. Ciacco means hog in Italian. Because gluttony is a sin of incontinence, their punishment is wallowing around in a slushy mound of garbage. The gluttons are in a storm of putrefaction. Gluttony was considered a major sin back in Dante’s day. Also in this circle are the hoarders and wasters. They contribute to each other’s punishment as they are in a constant rock war. Hoarders and wasters are two extremes. This is contrapasso because the hoarders are constantly trying to take the rock, while the wasters are trying to get rid of it. Next, they come across the wrathful and sullen. They are stuck in the Marsh of Styx. The sullen were drawn within themselves and tried not to associate with others in life, they took a sour disposition towards life. Their punishment is appropriate because they are stuck at the bottom of the marsh, beneath the slimy surface. Moving along through Hell, Dante and Virgil come across the heretics. This is a sort of a transitional stage between the sins of incontinence and violence. A heretic is anyone who doesn’t adhere to strict Catholic doctrine. Heretics committed some of the worst crimes, according to Dante. Their punishment was to spend eternity in a grave on fire. Contrapasso is in effect here because heretics thought that the soul dies with the body, and since they believe their souls died, they are entombed. Some of them even have to share tombs with people they hated. The second category of sinners is the violent. There are three types of violence: violence against neighbors, violence against self, and violence against God. The violent against neighbors are stuck in the river Phlegethon. This is a river of boiling blood, and if the sinners try to escape, centaurs shoot them with arrows. This is contrapasso because these violent souls left their victims in a pool of blood when they murdered them, and now they are stuck in a pool of blood. Violence against self is the next form of violent sin. Those who committed suicide became trees. Since they rejected God’s gift of body, they are forced to stand still and see the human life they rejected. This is their contrapasso, also whenever a limb from the tree falls off, they feel it. The final form of violence is that against God. These blasphemers, who curse God, are punished in circle seven, round 3. They are forced to lie in a field of burning sand and a fire rain constantly falls down on them. This is ironic because it is the first time while Dante is in Hell that we actually see fire. Circle eight of Hell begins the worst sins, those of fraud and treachery. These sins are the worst because it breaks the trust of the individual. The usurers are loan sharks. They do not further mankind, they just want money. According to The Holy Bible, it is unnatural to charge usury. Their punishment is to carry a pouch with lead weights around their necks. They constantly have to fight off fire and chains from lashing devils with their hands. This is their contrapasso because they used to use their greedy hands to abuse people by taking their money. The panderers and seducers are punished by having to constantly run from one side to another, and demons are there whipping them. The second section contains the flatterers. Because they lied and figuratively slung excrement from their mouths, they are punished by wallowing in excrement, which they flatter. This is a perfect example of contrapasso. The fortune tellers and diviners presumed to have the power to see God’s future, but most of them are just tricksters. Their contrapasso is that their heads are twisted completely around, and they can no longer see what’s ahead of them. Dante sees weeping shades slowly marching in single file, each one covered from head to foot with a golden cloak lined with lead. It is appropriate because on the outside the cloaks look beautiful, but on the inside they are horrible, like the hypocrites, and they are weighed down by their guilt. Contrapasso for thieves is depicted as serpents chasing nude sinners, and when the snake bites them, they burst into blames and disintegrate. Sometimes they become the serpent, and the serpent becomes them. This sets out to show that thieves can’t even claim their own bodies. Also, the snakes represent trickery, and the serpents steal the thieves’ bodies, just as they stole. Bertrand de Born was guilty of separating father and son (King Henry II and son), which caused war. His contrapasso is walking around with his head separated from his body, carrying it like a lantern. It is also symbolic of the father being the head of the family, and his body is separated from it because he separated them. In the ninth circle of Hell, Cocytus, Dante encounters the absolute worst sinners, including Satan. These sinners are frozen with the memory of their sins, and they cannot move. These evilest of sinners are in a sea of ice. Sins of betrayal are in the ninth circle. They were cold hearted and fake in life with no warmth of heart. A unique encounter Dante has is with Count Ugolino and Archbishop Ruggiere. In life, they made a deal, but it went awry. Now, the count feeds on the head of the archbishop. Since the archbishop imprisoned him and sons, they starved to death, thus his contrapasso is that Ruggiere is Ugolino’s last meal for all of eternity. At the end of the journey, Dante encounters Satan. He is bigger than the giants with three heads. Each head is chewing on the worst sinners in history up to that point: Judas, Brutus, and Cassius. They represent hate, impotence, and ignorance to contrast the three highest virtues of Heaven. Satan is at the center of the universe. His main punishment is that he is frozen and can’t do anything. This is the ultimate contrapasso. Dante highlights that Satan himself is an example of contrapasso as Satan’s sin of seeking God’s place as ruler of Heaven resulting in him forever ruling over the damned. Here, the sin reflects the punishment as Satan aims to raise himself higher and as a result is cast down into the depths of the Inferno. Dante takes us on an intriguing and eye-opening journey throughout his Hell. He uses contrapasso as a way to show the many different sins and how he thinks they should be punished. Dante also places real people in his Inferno to point out the cultural and political state of Italy at that time. While he does this, he is pretty fair and impartial about who belongs in which area of Hell. Near the end of his journey, Dante finally realizes that the sinners got what they deserved, and he no longer pities them. By having Satan frozen in ice, Dante is portraying the message Satan cannot do anything, unless you let him because he is not that powerful.
Monday, January 6, 2020
Reflection Paper On Psychological Studies - 975 Words
This year, I participated in 20 hours (20 SONA credits) worth of psychology studies, which consisted of experimental, survey/questionnaire, and qualitative methods. In this reflective report, I am going to discuss my experience of participating in psychological studies, as a part of the Psychology in Action module, and demonstrate how this has increased my understanding of both methodological issues in the research. I am also going to evaluate the methodologies that were used, and discuss the strengths and weaknesses in answering the questions under consideration. The first study I took part in was a brain stimulation, which looked at attention. It took place over 3 consecutive days and took approximately 1 to 1.5 hours per day. I needed to fill out some questionnaires and do some computer tasks, on each day. While doing some of the tasks, a small current was applied to my scalp using a transcutaneous electrical stimulation (TES) machine. This small current is capable of changing the electrical properties of the brain. TES is a harmless procedure which is commonly used in psychological experiments. The after-effects are only temporary, and it was used as part of someone’s Doctoral research, to see how TES affects attention. I was given 5 SONA participation credits. The recruitment process was very simple; I simply had to email the researcher and sign up for the time slots. As soon as I arrived at the cognitive lab on the first day, I was handed a consent form to tell me whatShow MoreRelatedReflection Of A Group Of Middle Aged Adults Ess ay1438 Words  | 6 PagesThis paper is a reflection of a group of middle-aged adults that discuss the biological, cognitive and psychological issues this group experiences. It is based on my observations and my interactions during my assignment one and from assignment two, the readings and lectures this research will describe the most important issues this life span is facing. 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